Kristoffer Kristoffersson
Lars Kristoffersson (Farmer and Volunteer Corporal) born 1879 in Nås and grew up in Stora Tuna, Borlänge, Sweden and Elin Karolina Johansson 1876 Undenäs, Karlsborg, Sweden. Emigrated to the USA on June 9, 1905 with destination Tacoma Washington. Lars and Elin will have a grandson named Kris Kristofferson.
The son Lars Henry Kristoffer Kristoffersson (1905-1971) and father of Kristoffer was born in Tacoma, Pierce County, Washington and became an air force pilot and Brigadier General. Mother Mary Ann Ashbrook (1911-1985) was born in Ross, Ohio.
Kris (Kristoffer) Kristoffersson was born in 1936 in Brownsville Texas. In 1958, he graduated from college with top grades and received a coveted three-year scholarship to Oxford in England. Work on a thesis on William Blake, philosopher and artist from the 18th century "stalled" and at Christmas 1960 Kris went home to the United States and never returned to Oxford.
He later enlisted in the US infantry and was stationed in Germany where he received training as a helicopter pilot. Kris never enjoyed army life but performed well and was promoted to the rank of captain. Instead of being sent to Vietnam, he was offered a position as a teacher at the military academy at West Point. But Kris declined. He wanted to be a songwriter and musician. On a visit to Nashville in 1965, he was overwhelmed by the togetherness and the meeting with all the creative musicians.
Tough years awaited in Nashville, but at the end of the 60s he broke through and then it became a success with two albums at a rapid pace.